Going hunting is a lot of fun. You probably don’t need me to say that to you because if you are reading this blog, you are already a fan of hunting firearms.
Now, here’s the thing. When you are buying hunting gear, it’s very easy to conclude that you just need a shotgun. That’s too much of an assumption to make because it really boils down to your hunting style.
Some hunters like a lot of space between them and their game. I’m talking about hundreds of yards. These are people who are really big into the element of suspense as well as the overall thrill of the chase.
Let’s get one thing clear. Unless you’re some sort of Olympic sprinter, forget about catching up to your prey. That’s not going to happen.
You can’t just run up to your prey and expect it to stand still. It doesn’t work that way. The deer, if it could laugh, would probably laugh at you.
In fact, it would be laughing on the ground almost pissing on itself prior to springing back up and then, leaving you in the dust. That’s how fast deer move.
You need to step up to the game. You need long-range firepower.
This is why I love hunting. All you need is a good scope, a good pair of binoculars, and your instincts.
You know that if there’s rustling or some sort of sound from far-off, you just need to scope around. You just need to see what’s out there. Once you get some indication, you can then use your scope to get to the bottom of the issue.
That’s how you deliver firepower from long ways away. Make no mistake. When it comes to the thrill of the hunt and enjoying that kill in a very efficient clean way, rifles are the way to go.
On the other hand, if you like a little bit more immediacy and you want to get up close and personal without necessarily hunting with a bow and arrow or a knife, you might want to consider a shotgun. Now, there’s a little bit of a variation here when it comes to shotgun proximity.
If you’re looking to unload a tremendous amount of blasting power, you need a fairly short barrel. Short barrels can kill instantly, but you have to do it at close range.
Again, this brings up the speed issue.
It’s not like you can run up next to a deer and then, unload your shotgun’s shell on them. It doesn’t work that way. The deer will be long gun before you get up to that point.
In many cases, shotguns work best when it comes to flying targets like duck or geese. If you come across a large enough flock, a shotgun is the way to go.
This is how you pick the right hunting gear. It really all depends on your hunting style, what you’re hunting for, and the location. Factor all these together so you can make the right call.
As the old saying goes, “You don’t want to bring a knife to a gunfight.” Similarly, if you’re hunting geese, it’s probably not a good idea to hunt them with a pistol or a rifle. They just move too quickly.
You need something with a spray effect.
You need something that can knock out a block of birds from a fairly good distance. That’s why shotgun makes all the sense in the world.
On the other hand, if your prey tends to remain stationary from a far distance, you’d probably be better off with a long rage rifle equipped with a very nice scope. Again, it all boils down to what you’re hunting and how you hunt.
Make no mistake. With the right equipment, you can increase your productivity out there in the hunting trail. Whether you are in the bush or whether you’re using some sort of enclosed environment, you need the right equipment.